061 Kid Cudi, Moon Man + NYCC
More on our newest series plus a last minute Massive addition to Bad Blood!
Hey everyone! We survived NYCC!
It was an incredible weekend with an incredible group of people— huge thanks to Kelly McMahon, Michael Busuttil, Mat Groom, Ryan Parrott, Melissa Flores, Sandra Winn, Ryan Sidoti, Ryan Parrott, Erica D’Urso, Valeria Favoccia, Simone Ragazzoni, Francesco Manna, Geraldo Borges, Brian Buccellato, Rod Reis, Ramon Palermo and a host of others—plus everyone who came out to our Massive-Verse Meetup—for making this one of the best conventions I’ve ever been a part of.
We had some hiccups— stock from Diamond that didn’t show up— and some unexpected twists and turns, but I could not be more proud of how everyone came together, rallied, and honestly… crushed it at our first official Black Market Narrative show.
Our Tom Whalen screen prints were a hot item all weekend, as were our Kelly McMahon X Massive-Verse pin collections!
I‘ll have more information on how we’re planning to make the screen prints and pins available at a later date, but in the meantime… I wanted to tell you about a really cool opportunity that Kelly has just announced for how to buy yourself a set of pins right now— at a great rate— and also support an extremely cool project in the process.
We have one day left on Kelly’s Bad Blood Kickstarter— if you’ve missed the news on this one, I announced a few weeks ago that Black Market Narrative was teaming up with Kelly and Mat Groom for Kelly’s deadly-stylish 1920s playing cards + murder mystery Kickstarter, Bad Blood, to help take one of my favorite new projects to the next level with an 8 page ashcan comic book!
Kelly and Mat already collaborated on our Inferno Girl Red Kickstarter, with a tier that included the Inferno Girl Red enamel pin from this set. Well now, with just over 24 hours left on the campaign, Kelly is making artist proofs of the other Massive-Verse pins available at our NYCC special prices!
If you back Bad Blood and add the pins as an add on, Kelly will ship them out to you when the campaign ends, separate from next year’s fulfillment of Bad Blood.
It’s a great deal and since I don’t know when we’re going to be making these pins available for individual purchase— and they won’t be available at this type of discount— I really urge anyone who has wanted this set, to grab them today through the Bad Blood Kickstarter. Plus, like I said— you’ll be supporting a super cool project that Black Market Narrative is helping to bring to life.
One quick note— these do not include Inferno Girl Red, as those pins are going to be fulfilled along with Inferno Girl Red Book Two fulfillment next year. I’m sorry we can’t make that pin available today along with the others, but since we had quite a few people purchase her pin in the campaign, Kelly is holding her back from the Bad Blood set.
You can find out more about Bad Blood, back the Kickstarter and get your gorgeous Massive-Verse enamel set, right here!
Announced at the Kid Cudi comes to NYCC to make a big announcement panel Saturday night, Black Market Narrative is teaming up with 2-time Grammy Award-winning rapper, singer, songwriter, record producer, actor, director, and fashion designer, Scott Mescudi, aka Kid Cudi, for a new comic called Moon Man.
Entertainment Weekly had the announcement, which includes some nice background on the series and what we’re going to be looking to explore, as well as Scott’s plans to release an accompanying mixtape (!) of new music along with the book.
Scott, Karina Manashil (bad ass president of Mad Solar) and I have been working on this behind the scenes for well over a year and a half at this point and the book is incredibly cool. Here’s a blurb from the press release:
“Moon Man follows Ramon Townsend, a man ready for a quiet life after gaining unexpected celebrity status for steering his ship and crew safely home from a near-disastrous moon mission. Whatever went wrong on that failed moon mission, whatever happened in the missing minutes the cameras didn't capture, all Ramon really wants is to settle down back home in Cleveland. But those missing minutes hold an Earth-shattering secret—and, with all eyes turned to him, Ramon will soon find himself becoming something the world has never seen before.”
This series is not a part of The Massive-Verse, but I like to think of it as one universe over. And joining us is a murderers row of artistic talent (and some fellow Massive-Verse creators), with Marco Locati and Igor Monti on interior art, Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou on letters, Michael Busuttil on edits and design and the main suit designed by none other than Chase Conley.
We announced the series at Scott’s standing room-only panel where everyone also got an exclusive ashcan for issue 1 and Scott started an impromptu signing jam. It was an incredibly wild experience.
We’ll have much more on this coming up very soon— if you’re reading this newsletter for the first time, I highly recommend signing up— this will be the best spot for news, updates, etc on what I’m sure is going to be a highly-anticipated series.
Oh, and Michael set up a landing page for the book right here:
Okay, that’s going to do it for me this morning! We’re still packing up and dealing with shipping from the convention— but next week, much more from LA!
Talk soon!
New York, NY
So now we hound Kid Cudi to drive the MassiveVerse fighting (video)game forward. Moon Man an easy guest character.
/s but kinda please fr
Great to see you for a bit, my friend!