War Approaches
This is a big one.
Like, really big.
As we announced last week at Comics Pro, the annual retailer summit held this year in Pittsburgh, Radiant Black’s first event story, The Catalyst War, is coming.
Actually, you can take a look at this killer new trailer edited by C.O.W.L. co-creator, Alec Siegel, to get a proper amount of hype!
I know it sounds cliched to say that everything has been leading to this but since I first built our three year outline three years ago, that really is the case.
You’re going to get answers. You’re going to learn more mythology. You’re going to experience first hand the scope and scale of what the Radiant characters are now a part of.
Oh, and are you worried that an event story might take too much focus away from character? Well, the personal decisions you’re going to witness Nathan, Marshall and the others make… Mm. You have no idea what’s coming.
Last thing? We’re going to be doing things in this story that no one has ever tried in comics before. Legitimately.
The Catalyst War begins in RADIANT BLACK #25 and runs through RADIANT BLACK #30.
Coming July 2023!
The Massive-Verse Goes Medieval
Supermassive 2023
Last year we did SUPERMASSIVE, our first Massive-Verse crossover that debuted Inferno Girl Red and Rogue Sun. Well, we had so much fun… that we decided to do it again! This time, with a few new characters and a very different setting. We’re also joined by some old friends who could not be more excited to be working with again— Daniele Di Nucolo and Walter Baiamonte. It’s a Power Rangers: Shattered Grid reunion!
Take a look at some preview pages below! Man, does Walter love painting skies…
A doorway has opened. Beyond it lies the Holy Grail. Yes, that Holy Grail. But why are RADIANT BLACK, ROGUE SUN, and THE DEAD LUCKY all so desperate to get their hands on it—and who is the mysterious woman who stands in their way?
Massive-Verse architects KYLE HIGGINS, RYAN PARROTT, MELISSA FLORES & MAT GROOM are joined by superstar art team DANIELE DI NICUOLO & WALTER BAIAMONTE (Power Rangers: Shattered Grid, Seven Secrets) for a 50-page one-shot crossover event!
This one is hitting stands on May 24!
The Black Market
As announced in our last newsletter, we’re going to be kicking of a series of very limited Black Market Narrative variants sold exclusively through us—first up is our Michael Cho Foil and Marcelo Costa Retro covers for NO/ONE #1!
We’ve made 175 copies of each, sans comps, and the first 125 of each are available to pre-order RIGHT NOW!
Okay, that’s going to be it for me today. I’m currently in Seattle fighting deadlines and prepping a number of (very) cool things that you’re going to be hearing more about in the coming weeks.
We have big plans for 2023 and can’t wait for everyone to see what’s in store.
And on that note, now’s a good time to remind you— if you haven’t subscribed yet to this here newsletter, now’s a great time.
Just wait until you see some of the other exclusives we’ve got coming
Seattle, WA
I'm so pumped for Catalyst War and Supermassive. Those are probably the two biggest things happening in comics right now that I'm anticipating the most.
I am so excited for NO/ONE. Hope to be able to make it on the 15th to get it signed too!