Hey everyone! Apologies for the delay on the newsletter front— three weeks ago I had some pretty significant knee surgery and I’m still in a full brace, on crutches, not allowed to put any weight on it or bend it passed the machine’s designated limits. It’s super fun. And exhausting! BUT, I’ve only got five weeks more (!) to go.
In the meantime, we’ve had a bunch of books come out! And some cool new shirts! And Marshall has a voice! And did he totally just /do/ that to a guy?
Let’s jump right in!
Year two of RADIANT BLACK begins… NOW! Well, last week. It was a big awesome return to Lockport, and the start of our ROGUE’S GALLERY arc. Here’s Stefano Simeone’s awesome main cover.
You can snag yourself a copy from your local retailer, or through our website HERE!
And with a new issue comes a new T-Shirt. We’re continuing our limited issue exclusive merch drops with some fun issue 13 options, based on our incredible B Cover by Diego Sanches. You can get yours HERE!
Monday (April 11th) is your last day to pre-order RADIANT BLACK #14. For those who don’t know, pre-orders are the lifeblood for both creators and the direct market at whole. If you have a local comic store that has a subscription list, definitely consider adding the series. We’ve got some really, really big stuff coming up in year two. Starting with the debut of the new “single worst character in fiction” (-Michael Busuttil), the audacious SHEER.
And with FOC on Monday, that means we’ve also got your first look right here.
Pre-order from your local shop or grab one from us right HERE!
And in other Massive-Verse release news, last week featured the stellar second issue of ROGUE SUN.
And this week week saw the fiery second issue of RADIANT RED drop.
You can find copies at your local store, or through our site HERE!
And to celebrate the launch of RADIANT RED, we’ve added a Radiant Red shirt to our storefront!
You can grab one HERE!
Radiant Ads
Speaking of ads… If you’ve read Radiant Black #13, you’ll recognize some of these. What can we say? Marshall’s always looking for an angle.
Oh, and make sure you turn up your volume when you hit play. Marshall’s never sounded better. Or more familiar. Hm. I wonder what that’s about.

Marshall’s Reel Recommendations
Laid up after knee surgery, I’ve finally forced myself to watch some things in said binge variety. That’s led to the excellent most recent season of BETTER CALL SAUL, a show as good if not better than the one it comes from. Crazy. Super impressive stuff.
Comic Tropes Episode
One of the youtube channels I found during the pandemic and have become a big admirer of, is ComicTropes. So, when Chris reached out and asked if I’d do an in interview— after he’d recently discovered Radiant Black— I was happy to. This is a long one, but it’s a fun deep dive on everything from the creation of Radiant Black and the expansion we’re doing in the Massive Verse, as well as some Power Rangers nuggets and a walk through my creative process building the new Darkhawk for Marvel.
Upcoming Appearances
As I mentioned up top, I’m still a solid five weeks out from being able to walk again, so I pulled back considerably on conventions this spring. That said, come late May, I’ll be back on the con circuit. I’ll try to highlight a different show in each newsletter and while this is one that’s still quite a ways out, I want to flag it for… reasons. Essentially, I want to give anyone who’s a Radiant Black, Rogue Sun, Inferno Girl Red, C.O.W.L. fan a heads up that this convention… might be special.

If you can make the trek to Chicago in August (it’s lovely. And warm.) we may have some very cool things planned.
Also coming up, I’ll be heading to Galaxy Con March 18-20 in Richmond, VA and July 29-31 in Raleigh, NC. These are some of my favorite shows— if you have the opportunity, please do come out!
All right that’s it for me! Until next time—
Stay Radiant!
Los Angeles
As an NC native, I can’t wait to see you return to GalaxyCon.
Since Super Massive I've been all on board with the universe; absolutely loving ALL the titles, and got the new RB on my table ready to read! One Q tho, I always refer to it as the Radiant-verse, but I think the official term is Massive-verse?? Can I please get authorial permission to continue referring to it in my head as the former bcos it is stuck in my brain now ??
Peace and love radiant fans! xx